What We Can Do


Get Informed

You can read free publications from groups that support the persecuted church, as well as  read books such as I am N, which contain the stories of people who have been persecuted for their belief in Jesus.  You can also watch video reports from CBN news and other media outlets on the subject. Check out our list of recommended resources.

Inform Others

Share information on social media, and encourage your friends to do the same. The more people that hear, the better. Use hash tags related to Christian persecution on your social media accounts, blogs or websites.

Wear the Arabic symbol painted on Christian homes on your clothing. There are a few charities such as Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs that sell t-shirts and accessories like buttons, or you can make your own using an online service or with products from your local craft store.

Sign Petitions

Sign petitions related to helping Christian refugees and the persecuted church. Don’t forget to share them too. Click here to see a list of current petitions.


Write to your government officials

In Canada this includes the prime minister, immigration minister and your local MP. Write to the current opposition leader if you really feeling ambitious, part of their job is to point out to the government issues that they are either ignoring or not responding to properly. Let your government know that you care about the plight of Christian refugees.  Encourage friends, family and others to do the same. If they think enough people care, it may move them to act.

Canadians can get contact info from the following links:



Donate to the charities that allow you to specifically help Christian refugees. Christian refugees often avoid UN camps in fear of further persecution, these charities help make sure that they get basics such as food and water, and spiritual care. If you can’t donate money see if you can volunteer your time or skills to a charity serving persecuted Christians. See a list of charities helping Christian refugees by clicking here.


Hold a fundraiser for Christian refugees and the persecuted church, such as a bake sale, a raffle or a garage sale (Most of us have way too much stuff anyway). If you can figure out how you can even start a crowd funding campaign, which is great because often most people can’t give large amounts but together the money can really add up.

Sponsor a Refugee

If you can sponsor a Christian refugee or Christian refugee family. Or perhaps you can convince your church to do so. Canada allows citizens to privately sponsor refugees. Currently refugees from Iraq or Syria do not need to be registered with the UN to participate in the private sponsorship program. This is a great opportunity to help Christian refugees, who generally don’t stay in UN camps out of fear. What’s more is a group as small as 5 people can apply to privately sponsor a refugee. You can find more information about sponsoring a refugee on the Government of Canada’s Website.