
I have listed a few charities that are helping Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria, and/ the persecuted church in general. I have also provided a basic description of their work. For more information you can visit their websites.

• Barnabas Fund: Is a charity that was originally established in the UK. They have a fund specifically for rescuing Christians from Iraq and Syria called Operation Safe Haven. They also have a number of other projects that assist persecuted Christians around the world.

• International Christian Concern: Is a charity that is focused on helping the persecuted church with a number of global projects such as, caring for orphans and suffering children, helping the families of imprisoned or martyred pastors, and assisting in rebuilding communities that have been destroyed by persecution.

• Open Doors: Is a charity that operates in a number of countries, including Canada, the United States, the UK and Sweden. They have a gift catalog that allows you to give to various projects, including providing Bibles, urgent refugee relief (which helps provide a family with food).

• Voice of the Martyrs: Is a charity that has offices in Canada, the US, the UK, Australia and many other countries. They assisted the persecuted church in various countries, through projects, including, legal defense for Christians who have been arrested for their faith, providing medical care, and distributing bibles.